
We, like last year, hatched some ducks this year. Also like last year, all but one died. Also like last year (This time I just copy-pasted it so I did not have to type it again, then felt obligated to tell you that, then felt obligated to tell you that I felt obligated to tell you that… well, yeah, um, I am good at getting stuck in loops like that, and now I have typed an entire line or two so just to say that, and by now it would have been less effort to have just typed it…), The duckling follows me around like a shadow. NOT like last year though, I did not name the duckling Shadow. Anyway, two days ago, the duckling went for its first swim! Also, it LOVES a weed called plantain. But only if I pick it first, and if I don’t, it will just nibble at me until I do.

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