Food Syrup

Black walnut syrup

You know that on our farm we make maple syrup (I think, and if you don’t, I will post about maple syrup in a bit!). But last year-ish, we bought a property next to ours with a river on it. It also had a lot of woods, with quite a few black walnut trees (And a lot of other types of trees, we even think possibly some chestnut trees) in it. Well, we have known for a bit that you can make syrup out of black walnut sap, but we have never had enough trees to do it ( The sap is very low concentrated in sugar). But this year, we decide that we should try it with the black walnut trees down at the farm ( This is what we call the new property. Also, yes, we do get a lot of black walnuts, even though personaly I do not like them that much.). Well, we got about two pints, and it is delicious! Also, we found somone buying it for, like, 320 dolars a gallon!

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